The organisation, Música, Arte y Progreso/ Music Art and Progress, has arranged summer courses for 25 years. Among their other activities they have produced a series of cd’s over the years for the children’s market, many of them by Fernando Palacios, one of the summer school’s speakers. The cd’s have featured his arrangements of children’s stories to symphony pieces, which I bought for my son when he was little: the standard of production was always high.
Fernando Palacios is well known is Spain. He has been, among other things, responsible for the education projects at the opera house the Teatro Real in Madrid. The education projects have featured his own compositions and his own participation, and I think I am not alone in exercising patience while we wait for a genuinely contemporary and creative music education set up at the opera house. Pedro Sarmiento briefly held the post, and that period shines brightly as a time when positive steps were taken in the right direction, not least in introducing Mary Ruth McGinn’s wonderful work with schools, which I have written about in a previous post: Mary Ruth McGinn: Opera in action becomes Learning through opera: LOVA (see 9th February 2011). This was a great success, and what has followed on at the opera house has not lived up to it.
Anyway, you can hear Fernando Palacios promoting his new book, and enjoy other conference presentations and workshops, divided in two groups: Feel and Use Music, and Working with Music Therapy.
Among the guest speakers is Dr. Inge Nygaard Pedersen. According to her publishers notes: “ is the head of the Music Therapy Clinic in Aalborg, a centre for treatment and research that is run by the University of Aalborg and Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital. She worked at Aalborg University from 1982-1995 where she created and expanded the MA programme in music therapy.” Among her publications:
A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy
Theory, Clinical Practice, Research and Training
The course runs from 11 to 14 July 2011, and full information can be found at
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