Thursday, 7 February 2013

Preparing music for a Tedx event: a music teacher´s diary, Part eight

Web jam is on: London Calling!
If you want something done, ask a busy person; if you want something really important done, ask a very busy person. Yet again I have seen this maxim work out in practice.
When I last wrote about the TedxYouth event I had not been able to find a partner school to link up for a web jam. Thanks to the incredible Pete Romhany, inspirational Head of Music at Morpeth School in Bethnal Green, London, I now have a partner. Pete has taken several  groups to my school in Madrid over the years and we were involved in the Comenius project Music is our language, which culminated in a concert at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in 2007. In January he put me in touch with a colleague at another London school and we are good to go: more details to follow, but in principle there will be Year 10 students taking the lead.
At the same time we have the possibility of setting up a kind of web jam pen letter scheme between my students in The Hague and their peers in Australia: again, more details to follow but this initiative is thanks to Gillian Howell, community music leader and teacher.
Thanks to these colleagues and others, our Tedx event will include high levels of creative interaction not just between students face to face, but also across the world thanks to an innovative use of technology.
London calling: The Hague is listening! Australia writing: The Hague is reading you!

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