Friday, 31 December 2010

The Enrique Purcell Cultural Association, Madrid

he Enrique Purcell Cultural Association
This association, which goes under the Spanish version of the great English composer’s name, was registered with the Madrid regional government as a not- for-profit  organisation on its formation in 2002. It is governed by an elected committee which follows the association’s   legally binding statutes.
The aims of the association are to arrange and promote music activities for young people, especially through the youth chamber orchestra, theJoven Orquesta Enrique Purcell, which rehearses in the Madrid suburb, Pozuelo de Alarcón.
The association has received funding from the Pozuelo de Alarcón local authority since 2003 and this funding, together with the provision of rehearsal rooms and a regular series of concert dates in local schools and churches, has enabled the association to function continuously and to arrange numerous additional events. Over the years the orchestra has joined with students from Poznan, Poland, and with fellow Spanish players from Huelva, Salamanca, and Alcalá de Henares.
2010 has been an especially interesting year for the association, partly due to Spain’s presidency of the European Union in the first half of the year.
On 9th May  2010 the Joven Orquesta Enrique Purcell took part in a concert organised to celebrate Europe Day, together with students from British, French and German schools in Madrid. Pavel Crisan shared the conducting with colleagues from the schools involved. The concert, and the formal ceremony to commemorate the permanent situation of the European flag, was organised by the city council, and was attended by the Mayor of Madrid, Spain’s Foreign Minister, representatives of the European Parliament and European Commission, and  ambassadors of several countries, including the United Kingdom.
The combined orchestra’s rendition of the European Anthem was featured in the closing segment of the evening news on the state television channel, RTVE.
The closing event of the Spanish presidency of the European Union was held in Madrid on 30th June 2010, and several members of Joven Orquesta Enrique Purcell took part, again playing the European Anthem.
It was a memorable occasion, and speeches were made by four government ministers: the Foreign Minister was joined by the ministers of Education, Culture and Justice and the Secretary of State for  European Affairs, among other public figures. An entire programme was dedicated to this event on the TVE2 channel.
You can see the invitation to the 30th June event attached as  a pdf. It is our policy not to post photos of our young players on public sites, for their safety.
We would welcome news of similar groups around Europe and would be delighted to explore possible joint concert ideas.
Timothy Jones is the Founding President of the association and Pavel Crisan is the orchestra’s Musical Director.
Asociación Cultural Enrique Purcell: number 24,144 in the Madrid regional government register of associations.

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