Friday, 31 December 2010

World class opera course: Opera Studio 2011

I just received news of the latest plans from the University of Alcala, just outside Madrid. This university is one of the  most historic centres of learning in Europe, as it was founded in  1499 .The university is housed in some of the most beautiful buildings, many of which have been fully renovated and brought up to 21st century standards.
The university’s imaginative extension activities arm, under the auspices of the Fundación General, organises numerous courses and events. One of the most interesting, musically speaking, over the last few years has been an opera course held in the summer under the direction on Giancarlo de Monaco, culminating in staged settings of scenes from highlights of the repertoire, performed as night falls in the open air courtyards in this incredible setting.
I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy some of these performances, which have improved in scale and quality every year, so I’m glad to receive news of the latest offering from the university’s Fundación General, this time under the direction of Lourdes Pérez Sierra, who has been the administrative driving force behind the previous courses.
Lourdes Pérez is active in arts management and consultancy, as you can see in her 2009 venture, Arts for Leadership
The new series of events, under the title Opera Studio, is aimed at graduating students and young professionals from Spain and abroad and includes the following titles:
Managing your career
Vocal technique
Lied interpretation for singers and pianists
Corporal expression for opera singers
Interpretation of baroque opera for singers
Interpretation of contemporary opera
Healthcare for singers.
All sections of the course are self standing and can be followed individually, and they are spread over the months from February June2011.
The series will be launched with a group of masterclasses by Teresa Berganza, from 8th to 10th February.
Full details of the course can be found at

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